Sunday, July 17, 2011


I've been thinking about going to school again. But then, again, if only i go, i mid miss a lot. . So  I decided to just follow what my mum said. Ok ! 
Yesterday, I've dream about going back to school ! hahahha. It was so much fun. But there's a bit awkwardness about that dream. eeiiiuuhh. :P Why ? Because that school is different. I never see such a school like that. It was really weird. 

The school is really big. Like really really big. Macam bandar. School tu ada gate besar. Then, di dalam tu macam biasa la ada skolah. Cuma besar ! Macam tempat HARRY POTTER juga la. Ini skolah. Slalunya skolah ada asrama pelajar, tapi ni ada 'Perumahan Pelajar'. 1 house ada 5 pelajar. Aku stay dengan my friends Liza n yang lain tu aku ndak ingat. 

This is Liza Yong. We're friend seen elementary school.

Kami dalam kelas yang sama juga. Dalam kelas tu ada kawan2 ku dari Lahad Datu n sini Matunggong. Macam kalau dari Lahad Datu ~ Hasnah, Kurniaty, Ng Yuk Mun, Atiqah Khir n ada lagi tu tapi aku ndak ingat sudah. Maklum la, hari makin tua. Kalau dari Matunggong ~ Vivi pastu ndak sudah aku ingat siapa2 orangnya. 

Yang bikin aku malu tu, kami ni rupanya pelajar ambil bidang LANGUAGE ~ bahasa apa ~ aku rasa kamu pun tahu gak kalau ak ndak cakap. 'Hangul' ! _KoreaN_ hohohoh

Macam ni la nak belajar. Aku pandai baa.

Wahhh. hahahah. Bikin malu aku jak. Tapi best juga baa. Mau tebelit2 juga lidah. 우리는 한국에 대해 배울거야. ulineun hangug e daehae baeul geoya. We're going to learn about Korea. wahh. :P And today aku boleh baca Hangul sikit o. *0* hohohoh Do you believe that ? Of cause you don't laa.

Anywhere, whatever we dream is something that we want. And it's going to happen if you try get dream in real life. We never knew what's our life bring to us. So keep on dreaming.  

~ Dream A Better Dream ~

From me ~ xoxo ~

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