Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sejak kebelakangan ni, banyak manusia yg dilanda STRESS.. But why? Aiik, mesti la ba. Antara 1 sebabnya :- sebab banyak perkara berlaku kepada kita dalam 1 hari.. Lebih2 lgi d0rg yg ndak lama lgi mau ambil RESULT SPM.hohoh. Cakap pasal RESULT SPM ni, saya sendiri pun stress gara2 tunggu result. adoii. ! Jadi, cuba la step ni supaya jadi tenang.

Lepas tu, kalau k0rg ni macam saya, panas baran, cepat marah, cuba la buat cara ni. Kalau sdh marah semua benda pun ditumbuk, tangan pun jadi biru. naaahhh.. Family selalu cakap: 'ndak boleh tu begitu, cuba ko kasih tahan diri.' So when this happen, saya selalu buat cara ni. Berkesan juga la.

Bila sudah stress atau marah tahap DEWA ni, the most important thing to do is try to calm yourself. Kalau ndak dapat calm juga, cuba k0rg buat cara nie :-

1. Listening to music
Bila stress atau marah melanda diri, cepat2 kurung dalam bilik. Why? Supaya kamu tidak marah sama org lain, bila kamu marah org lain nanti begaduh. Tambah la lgi marah2, stress2. Bila kamu sdh masuk bilik, kalau ada org dalam bilik suruh d0rg keluar atau cari bilik lain yg kosong, lepas tu terus kunci pintu. Lepas tu ambil kamu punya cellphone, iPhone, iPod, mp4, mp3, CD player atau apa2 jak yg boleh mengeluarkan lagu. Jadi kamu pasang la lagu. Tapi...................... kamu mesti dengar menggunakan EARPHONE atau HEADPHONE. Bila dengar lagu tu mesti mau full volume, tapi jgn la juga sampai gegendang telinga mau pecah, sedang2 jak. Bila dengar lagu tu, try to sing it together or lips sing. Confirm tenang.

this is one of the world best headphone

2. Pictures
Kalau tidak dapat tenang juga, cuba kamu tengok gmbr2 yg kamu suka. Contah la: gmbr artis korea/jepun/cina/america yg kamu suka ka, gmbr idola kamu ka, gmbr baby2 yg cute ka, gmbr BF/GF kamu ka, atau apa2 jak laa. Asalkan yg boleh buat kamu lupa knp kamu stress/marah. Kalau macam saya ni pula, saya suka tgk gmbr2 makanan macam kek atau pun BB.. kalau bkn makanan pun, gmbr2 dress atau baju khawin.

3. Dances
Some people maybe good in dance and some not really that good, but still u can dance in your way. Masa dengar2 lagu tu, try la dance sikit. Dance help you in realise your anger. Especially the popping dance, rocking, grumping, stomping, locking, break dance, hip-hop or apa2 jak tarian yg kamu tahu.  Even when you dance macam org gila pun boleh tolong realise your anger. Try la. So you think you can dance !

4. Videos/Movies
Kalau tidak dapat tenang juga bila kamu buat 3 benda yg tadi tu, cuba try tengok video atau movie yg lucu2. Watching comedy show boleh buat kita ketawa, so cuba cari2 video atau movie yg selalu boleh buat kamu ketawa. Or cartoon ka. Best3... Contoh la, saya selalu cari Chibi Maruko Chan yg live action di youtube.

5. Do Nothing
Kalau kamu sudah test semua 4 things tu, tapi masih tidak tenang juga. Terus duduk diam2 fikir benda lain. Jangan fikir apa sebab kamu stress/marah. Tapi this "Do Nothing" step, hanya boleh kamu buat bila semua 4 things yg diatas tu sudah di-try. If you terus buat step yg ni, confirm kamu ndak tenang.

6. Sleep
The last thing do to when every things is not right for you is SLEEP. Go to your bed, close your eyes and sleep. Senang cerita. Bila bangun confirm baik.heheh

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kenapa ada yg takut dgn ONEW..?

Ketua kumpulan Shinee, Onew, sgt terkenal dgn suara'y yg unik. Ini bermakna, Onew memang disukai oleh org ramai - all over the world. Selain diri itu, Onew jga amat ditakuti oleh artis2 korea. But why?.. Wae? Well, actually dorg tu tdk takut dgn Onew. Dorg cuma takut dgn Onew bila bermain satu permainan yg akan melibatkan TTAKBAM. But what is ttakbam?hohohoh.. Ttakbam nie adalah satu permainan melastik dahi seseorang dgn m'gunakan jari hantu. Naaa.... Tau sdh?. Alahh.. Kalau time kecil2 dulu adakan yg main lastik2 jari org tu. Tapi dorg ni lain sikit. Dorg lastik dahi, kita lastik jari. Ndak tau la kalau kmu dulu kecil2 ada main macam ni. Tp kalau aku dulu ada.

Konon2'y, ttakbam Onew ni sakit sgt. Tu la knp ada yg takut dgn Onew. Cuba korg tgk video ni. [Bukti yg jari Onew keras]

Byk artis2 korea yg jadi mangsa jari-jemari Onew.hohoho..bunyi pun kuat. Astga.! Tdk pernah ku jumpa manusia yg mempunyai jari seperti ONEW! Jari ka lgi tu, mcm besi lgi ak tgk Boleh hancur dahi org.

hohohoh..Thank for the visit. -xoxo- <3 <3

Monday, February 14, 2011


SHOCKING NEWS! BERITA MENGEJUTKAN! 令人震惊的消息! 충격적인 소식입니다! ショッキングなニュース!!

A few days ago Justin Bieber shocked zillion of fans all over the world. What actually happen? Well, Justin Bieber was invited to Jimmy Kimme live late night show on Thursday night February 10. He suppose to promote his new film 'Never Say Never', which hit on February 12. But the audience didn't shock because of the film at that night, instead the audience shock because of his HEAD! Yes. Justin Bieber is going BALD! [JUSTIN BIEBER BOTAK] He is going bald just for Jimmy Kimme's show. So what do you girls think?. Handsome?. hahaha

And the most shocking is...
Well, u girls don't really have to feel worry or disappointed because of his look.  Actually he didn't really shave his famous look. Bieber's hair is still perfectly in place, he was only wearing a bald cap.hahaha.. No need to worry. And guess what? Bieber, who is rumored to be dating "Wizards of Waverly Place" star Selena Gomez, he actually made a new look for 2011 and he seem to be a bit mature than before.

So, what do you guys think about Justin Bieber bald look?

Thank you for stoping by - xoxo -

Keep Your Head Down


Kali nie sya mau cerita sikit la pasal atris K-pop... Kalau korang nie peminat K-pop, msti korang tau pasal TVXQ 2011 COMEBACK. TVXQ skrg nie bukan lagi kumpulan yang m'punyai 5 org jejaka mcm dulu., tapi tinggal 2 org member lagi: U-know Yunho dan Choikang Changmin saja lgi.. 3 org lg tuu sdh menubuhkn kumpulan bru yg amat sgt la terhangat d pasaran2 dunia., nama kumpulan tuu JYJ (Junsu Yoochun Jaejoong).. JYJ and TVXQ adalah 1 kumpulan yg boleh membuat org GILA yg AMAT SANGAT..! hohoho... baru2 nie, TVXQ telah kembali dgn album terbaru'y 'KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN'.. antara lgu2 dorang dlm album nie 

<KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN (Standard Edition)> 
01. Why (Keep Your Head Down)
02. Story I Don’t Want to Believe
04. CRAZY (Feat. Jay from Trax)
05. Honey Funny Bunny (Yunho)
07. Confession (Changmin)
08. Our GAME
09. SHE
10. Athena (Athena OST)
11. Trip (Paradise Ranch OST)
Lagu yg paling di-su-ka-i org ramai ialah "WHY? (KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN)" .. MV utk lagu ada 2 version. Yg 1 tuu MV cam bias la dan yg 1 lgi tuu Dance Version MV..syok... 

Nie laa video yg sya ckp tadi.. check it out.. ! "KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN" and here are some of their coming back photos..

here's the "KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN" lyrics for you...

click it for a larger image
thank you...

and remember KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN !

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What I Like In My Live..

hohoho.., first of all i want to say THANK YOU to Datin Liza Yong.. i couldn't done it without u.. ^^  because u had help me., so i help u too..k.. If u guys visit my blog, please visit Liza Yong's blog too.. just click this link ... thank you..
Yoogeun's Mother, Donghae's Wife

Everyone got their own favorite things.. so.. I'm going to share with u about What I Like In My Live..hohoho actually., there's a lot of thing that I like in my live :-

1. My Parents
Of caouse I like my parents ! Why should I not to like my own parents.. There's no other parents like mine..hoho.. <3 They're the best!

2. I like to EAT
I'm actually a big eater.. believe it.. talking about EAT, I love to eat ICE CUBES.. yes.! ice cubes..some people may say that ice cube don't have the taste., because it was only water that froze into ice.. but for me that's totally WRONG! ice cubes taste awesome. ! I love to hear the sound of the ice when u bite it into pieces... yum yum... like it a lot. but still, I also worry about eating one.. because it may cause damage to our teeth., and I don't want that to be happen.. but I can't stop eat one..hoho
look at those ice cubes.. yummy right?

3. K-Pop
Talking about K-Pop.. Oh My God..! I can't stop talking about K-Pop or Korea or Korean or Hangug or 한국 ... hohoh.. I just can't., eventhough I try not to be obsess in Korean, I still LOVE Korean or Korea or Hangug or K-pop or 한국 ... hahaha... I like everything about K-Pop.. from the Country to the People to the Star to the Drama to the Song/Music to the Fashion to the Food to the Language.., gosh.. ! Like I said., I love everything about KoRea or K-Pop.. and i mean EVERYTHING.. EVERYTHING... hahaha.. I can't stop.. The Female Korean Singer that I like today is MISS A.. The Male Korean Singer is >ALL< it's hard to choose one okay.. but actually, I like all of them.. whether it was a girl or boy..
naneun hangug-eul salang haeyo.

there's a lot more photo that I want to upload. like I said, it's hard for me to stop when its come to Korea topic.. and there's a lot more things that i like and love.. but this all for this time.. it's time to sleep..